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Strengthening Economic Ties: India and UAE Forge Ahead with Comprehensive Economic Partner


In the dynamic landscape of global trade, few relationships have stood the test of time as steadfastly as that between India and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Over the past fifty years, this bilateral partnership has evolved and flourished, culminating in a historic milestone in fiscal year 2023, with trade soaring to an unprecedented US$ 84.5 billion. This surge in economic activity was further propelled by the landmark signing of the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) between the two nations, heralding a new era of collaboration and prosperity.

Diving into the Details:

The CEPA, a testament to the shared vision of India and the UAE, has catalyzed a surge in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) from the UAE to India, surging by an astounding 300% to reach US$ 3.35 billion in FY23 from US$ 1.03 billion in the preceding fiscal year. This substantial influx of investment underscores the growing confidence and synergy between the two economies.

A Vision for Growth:

India’s ambitious goal of achieving a US$ 5.0 trillion economy by 2028 hinges significantly on its strategic partnerships, with the UAE occupying a pivotal position in this trajectory. Both nations, strategically located along crucial global trade routes, are poised to leverage the CEPA and the India Middle East Europe Corridor (IMEC) to unlock new avenues of cooperation, particularly in the logistics sector and international trade.

Empowering the Logistics Sector:

The meteoric rise of India’s economy, fueled by robust growth in the manufacturing sector and burgeoning consumer demand, has propelled the logistics industry into the spotlight.

Notably, the warehousing sector has witnessed remarkable expansion, with the total warehousing stock ballooning by approximately threefold since 2016, reaching a staggering 354.1 million square feet by Q3CY23.

Quality Takes Center Stage:

Of particular significance is the evolution of Grade A warehouses, which have surged from less than 30% to approximately 50% of the total stock during the same period. This paradigm shift underscores the industry’s maturation and the increasing emphasis on quality infrastructure. Institutional developers have played a pivotal role in driving this transformation, injecting substantial investments and elevating the standards of warehousing facilities across the country.

A Glimpse into the Future:

As India’s logistics sector continues its upward trajectory, propelled by industry initiatives and government support, the bilateral collaboration with the UAE presents a plethora of opportunities for mutual growth and prosperity. With India poised to contribute approximately 16% of global growth, the stage is set for a symbiotic partnership that will shape the economic landscape of the region and beyond.

The Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between India and the United Arab Emirates marks a significant milestone in their enduring relationship, underpinned by shared economic goals and mutual prosperity. As both nations chart a course towards a brighter future, the synergies forged through this partnership will undoubtedly pave the way for unparalleled growth and collaboration in the years to come.

India and UAE Forge Deeper Ties in Logistics Sector

The burgeoning collaboration between India and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in the logistics sector is poised to redefine the economic landscape of the region. With a robust framework of policies and initiatives, both nations are capitalizing on their strategic partnership to propel trade, investment, and infrastructure development to unprecedented heights.

Advancing Economic Growth:

India’s economic prowess, underscored by a projected GDP growth of 6.3% by the World Bank, stands as a beacon of stability amidst global uncertainties. Various indices, including the Logistics Performance Index and Ease of Doing Business rankings, attest to India’s remarkable progress in enhancing infrastructure, streamlining logistics, and fostering a conducive business environment.

Bolstering Trade Relations:

The historical trade relations between India and the UAE have witnessed a significant upswing, culminating in a bilateral trade volume of US$ 84.5 billion in FY 2023. The signing of the India-UAE Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) has further catalyzed this growth, facilitating smoother trade flows and fostering deeper economic integration between the two nations.

Rapid Investment Inflow:

India’s burgeoning investment landscape, characterized by a substantial increase in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), reflects the confidence of global investors in the country’s growth trajectory. Key sectors such as manufacturing and logistics have emerged as magnets for investment, driven by government initiatives such as the National Manufacturing Policy and the National Logistics Policy.

India’s journey towards economic reform has been propelled by a slew of government initiatives aimed at bolstering infrastructure, digitization, and skill development. The country’s ascent in the World Bank Logistics Performance Index, climbing 16 places to rank 38th out of 139 countries in 2023, is a testament to its unwavering commitment to enhancing logistics efficiency and reducing costs.


A Thriving Sector: The exponential growth in warehousing infrastructure underscores India’s transition into a logistics powerhouse. With major national and international investors pouring capital into transit infrastructure and logistics parks, tier 2 and tier 3 cities are emerging as focal points for e-commerce consumption, driving further growth and decentralization of logistics hubs.

Future Prospects:

As India and the UAE deepen their collaboration in the logistics sector, the stage is set for a transformative journey towards economic prosperity and sustainable development. With a shared vision and strategic alignment, both nations are poised to leverage their strengths to unlock new opportunities and chart a course towards inclusive growth and prosperity for their citizens.

The India-UAE partnership in the logistics sector represents a paradigm shift in bilateral relations, underpinned by mutual trust, shared objectives, and a commitment to harnessing the full potential of their economic synergies. As both nations embark on this transformative journey, the sky is the limit for collaboration, innovation, and prosperity in the dynamic world of logistics and trade.

India-UAE Collaboration Propels Logistics Sector into New Era of Growth

The strategic collaboration between India and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in the logistics sector is poised to revolutionize trade and infrastructure development in the region. With a shared commitment to fostering connectivity, efficiency, and sustainability, both nations are spearheading transformative initiatives that promise to unlock new avenues of economic growth and prosperity.

PM GatiShakti: Redefining Infrastructure Development:

The launch of PM GatiShakti (PMGS) in October 2021 marks a watershed moment in India’s infrastructure landscape. Anchored on an indigenous Geographic Information System (GIS) data-backed platform, PMGS aims to streamline multi-modal connectivity and expedite infrastructure projects. By fostering inter-ministerial and inter-departmental cooperation, PMGS is paving the way for integrated development, connectivity improvement, and expedited project implementation.

National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP) and National Monetisation Pipeline (NMP):

 India’s ambitious National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP), coupled with the National Monetisation Pipeline (NMP), underscores the government’s commitment to catalyzing investments and fostering sustainable infrastructure development. With a projected investment of US$ 1.4 trillion under NIP, the focus on sectors such as transport, energy, and social infrastructure promises to drive inclusive growth and development.

National Logistics Policy:

The introduction of the National Logistics Policy in September 2022 aims to enhance the competitiveness and efficiency of India’s logistics sector. By leveraging digital integration, unified platforms, and eco-friendly practices, the policy seeks to reduce logistics expenditure and promote ease of doing business.

Rail and Road Infrastructure Development:

India’s transformative initiatives in rail and road infrastructure, including the Dedicated Freight Corridors and Bharatmala Pariyojana, are set to revolutionize logistics and connectivity across the country. With a focus on digitalization and efficiency-enhancing measures such as RFID-based toll collection, India is poised to enhance its logistics capabilities and streamline freight movement.

Ports and Shipping:

India’s maritime sector, buoyed by economic reforms and strategic investments, is witnessing robust growth. With initiatives such as Sagarmala and Maritime India Vision 2030, the country aims to develop world-class ports and enhance cargo handling capacities, thereby bolstering its export capabilities and global competitiveness.

Multi-Modal Logistics Parks (MMLPs) and Industrial Corridors:

The development of Multi-Modal Logistics Parks (MMLPs) and industrial corridors underpins India’s efforts to promote efficiencies in the logistics sector and attract investments. With a focus on integration, asset utilization, and sustainability, these initiatives are poised to drive growth and create employment opportunities.

Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and Free Trade & Warehousing Zones (FTWZ):

 India’s SEZs and FTWZs play a pivotal role in promoting exports and attracting investments. With new legislation aimed at enhancing their competitiveness, these zones are poised to emerge as engines of growth and facilitate seamless trade and logistics operations.

National Waterways:

The development of national waterways underscores India’s commitment to leveraging its inland water resources for efficient freight movement. With initiatives aimed at enhancing cargo movement and reducing logistics costs, national waterways are poised to emerge as a key component of India’s logistics infrastructure.

India-UAE Collaboration Boosts Logistics Sector Growth

Introduction: The collaboration between India and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in the logistics sector is set to revolutionize trade and infrastructure development. This partnership aims to address inefficiencies in India’s logistics system and drive economic growth through enhanced connectivity and efficiency.

Evolution of India’s Logistics Sector:

India’s logistics sector has long grappled with higher costs compared to other major economies like China, the USA, and Germany. However, recent government initiatives and infrastructural developments have aimed to rectify these inefficiencies. The sector has witnessed a shift towards quality warehouses and increased outsourcing of logistic operations to third-party logistics (3PL) companies.

India-UAE Collaboration:

The collaboration between India and the UAE in the logistics sector is progressing through various phases. In the early stages, logistical processes were handled separately, with minimal coordination between functions. However, as the partnership evolved, there was a significant improvement in internal integration and coordination within companies. This led to a shift from traditional ‘godowns’ to functional warehouses, primarily of Grade B quality.

Driving Towards Consolidation:

As the collaboration matures, there is greater external integration, with companies focusing on their core competencies and outsourcing logistics requirements to 3PL players. This phase witnesses the emergence of world-class warehouses with higher automation, signaling a shift towards Grade A warehouses.

Maturity Analysis of India’s Logistics Sector:

Post-GST implementation, the Indian warehousing sector experienced a transformation, with companies restructuring their portfolios to adopt more efficient hub-and-spoke warehousing models. This restructuring has resulted in the development of extensive and supply chain-efficient warehouses, catering to specific requirements.

Overview of India’s Warehousing and Integrated Logistics:

India’s warehousing sector has seen a significant increase in total stock, driven by rising demand from occupiers. The market has shown robust recovery post-COVID, with Grade A warehouses witnessing substantial absorption. The supply addition has been consistent, primarily led by institutional Grade A developers.

Market Trends and Opportunities:

The warehousing market in India is poised for continuous growth, with over 50% of the total stock expected to be Grade A space by 2026. Increased e-commerce penetration and consumption have fueled demand, while integrated warehousing and transportation models offer scalability and operational efficiency.

Driving Growth Factors:

The development of Multi-Modal Logistics Parks (MMLPs) and the evolving third-party logistics (3PL) market are key drivers of growth in India’s logistics sector. The grant of infrastructure status has further facilitated investment, while evolving business models and technological advancements have enhanced efficiency and supply chain visibility.

Emergence of Urban Logistics:

Urban logistics has gained prominence due to the exponential growth of e-commerce platforms, with demand rising for sorting centers and micro-fulfillment centers. These spaces offer higher optimization and better stock management, catering to the needs of e-commerce, retail, and omni-channel players.

A Paradigm Shift in Trade Dynamics

In an era where global economic cooperation is paramount, the partnership between India and the UAE stands out as a beacon of progress and innovation. With the signing of the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) on February 18, 2022, during the India−UAE Virtual Summit, both nations embarked on a journey towards mutual prosperity and growth. The CEPA officially came into force on May 1, 2022, marking a significant milestone in bilateral relations.

Success Stories: CEPA’s Impact on Bilateral Trade

Since its inception, CEPA has fostered remarkable growth in bilateral trade between India and the UAE. The agreement, which aims to increase bilateral trade to US$ 100 billion and attract US$ 75 billion in investments from the UAE to India, has already yielded impressive results. Within just 18 months of its implementation, bilateral trade has surged from US$ 72.9 billion to US$ 84.5 billion, reflecting a remarkable year-on-year increase of 16%.

The Pillars of Success: Business Houses and CEPA

The success of CEPA can be attributed to the active participation of business houses from both nations. With tariff line coverage up to 95%, CEPA has incentivized the establishment of new industries in both the UAE and India, paving the way for growth and innovation. Notably, key figures like former UAE Ambassador to India, H.E. Dr Ahmed A.R. Albanna, played a pivotal role in promoting CEPA and fostering understanding between business communities in both countries.

Unlocking Opportunities: Access to New Markets

CEPA has not only facilitated the growth of existing industries but has also opened doors to new markets and business opportunities. For India, CEPA has incentivized the production of various goods, including electrical machinery, pharmaceuticals, cereals, fisheries, and fruits, providing easier access to Middle Eastern and African regions. Similarly, the agreement has enabled local firms in the UAE to tap into India’s booming market, particularly in sectors such as prepared food, chemicals, plastics, and metals.

Setting the Stage for Economic Growth: India’s Vision 2047 and UAE’s Centennial Plan 2071

The alignment between India’s Vision 2047 and UAE’s Centennial Plan 2071 has further catalyzed bilateral trade and economic cooperation. Policies such as 100% Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and initiatives like the National Logistics Policy (NLP) and Pradhan Mantri Gati Shakti National Master Plan (PMGS) have laid the groundwork for infrastructure development and investment facilitation. These efforts aim to expedite large-scale projects and enhance connectivity between India and the UAE, fostering economic growth and prosperity.

India-UAE Logistics Prospects: Paving the Way for Sustainable Growth

The logistics sector plays a pivotal role in realizing the full potential of CEPA and strengthening India-UAE trade relations. With projections indicating significant growth in India’s logistics market, investments in transportation efficiency, infrastructure development, and digitalization are paramount. The UAE’s strategic location and world-class logistics infrastructure, exemplified by ports like Jebel Ali, offer immense opportunities for Indian businesses to expand their reach and tap into new markets.

CEPA and IMEC: Transforming the Logistics Landscape

The synergy between CEPA and the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) is poised to revolutionize the logistics landscape. By streamlining trade routes and enhancing connectivity, these initiatives will create new opportunities for businesses in India and the UAE. Aramex India, a leading logistics provider, is actively involved in leveraging CEPA and IMEC to deliver innovative solutions and drive economic integration across the region.

Conclusion: Shaping the Future of Trade

As India and the UAE embark on this transformative journey, the significance of CEPA and the logistics sector cannot be overstated. By fostering collaboration, innovation, and sustainable growth, CEPA is ushering in a new era of economic cooperation between India and the UAE. With the logistics industry at the forefront of this revolution, both nations are poised to unlock new opportunities and realize their shared vision of prosperity and development.

The India-UAE collaboration in the logistics sector, underpinned by the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA), represents a paradigm shift in trade dynamics. This multifaceted partnership, forged on the principles of mutual benefit and shared prosperity, has ushered in an era of unprecedented growth and opportunity for both nations.

The success stories of CEPA underscore its transformative impact on bilateral trade. With impressive year-on-year growth and significant investments flowing between India and the UAE, CEPA has emerged as a cornerstone of economic cooperation. The active involvement of business houses and key stakeholders has been instrumental in driving this success, laying the foundation for sustainable growth and innovation.

Moreover, CEPA has unlocked access to new markets and business opportunities, propelling industries to new heights of success. By incentivizing the production of various goods and facilitating easier market access, CEPA has catalyzed economic growth in both countries. This collaborative approach aligns with the broader vision of India’s Vision 2047 and UAE’s Centennial Plan 2071, which prioritize inclusive economic development and prosperity for all.

The logistics sector plays a pivotal role in realizing the full potential of CEPA and strengthening India-UAE trade relations. Investments in transportation efficiency, infrastructure development, and digitalization are essential to ensure seamless trade flows and enhance connectivity between the two nations. The strategic location and world-class logistics infrastructure of the UAE, exemplified by ports like Jebel Ali, offer immense opportunities for Indian businesses to expand their reach and tap into new markets.

Furthermore, the synergy between CEPA and initiatives like the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) promises to revolutionize the logistics landscape. By streamlining trade routes and enhancing connectivity, these initiatives will create new opportunities for businesses in India and the UAE, fostering deeper economic integration and regional cooperation.

In light of these developments, it is evident that the India-UAE collaboration in the logistics sector is not merely about trade; it is about shaping the future of commerce and fostering a sustainable and inclusive economic ecosystem. As both nations navigate the complexities of the modern world, their commitment to mutual growth and shared values ensures a bright and prosperous future for India-UAE logistics prospects and beyond. Through continued collaboration, innovation, and strategic engagement, India and the UAE are poised to unlock new avenues of growth and prosperity, setting the stage for a truly transformative partnership in the years to come.

Source: Investing India, Edited and rewritten by BharatiyaMedia.

About the author

Mayank Sharma

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